yyy Ennio Lorenzini • Cinéma du Réel Skip to content

Ennio Lorenzini

Ennio Lorenzini worked on many short films with the Italian director Gian Vittorio Baldi before launching his brilliant career as a director and documentary filmmaker in 1961. Les Mains Libres was his first theatrical release, produced by Casbah Film in co-production with Algeria. In 1968, he directed Cronaca di un gruppo for Italian television. In 1975, he directed Quanto è bello lu murire acciso, the story of the patriot Carlo Pisacane, an extraordinary portrait of the Risorgimento in Italy. With this film he won three prestigious awards: the David di Donatello – special prize for direction – the Silver Ribbon for the best new Italian director and the Golden Globe for the best first work.