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First contact

First Contact – named after the eponymous film by Robin Anderson and Bob Connolly, whose 40th anniversary was in 2022 – completed ParisDOC’s offer to producers, in partnership with Ateliers Varan.

First Contact invites producers to discover 9 projects currently in the writing stage, which are based on research in the social sciences, hard sciences or artistic creation. 

In 2024, 6 projects have emerged from the Ateliers Varan writing workshop, “Science in images, from research to the cinematic narrative”. We are also inviting the Scam’s Brouillon d’un rêve grant scheme, the Lussas’ documentary school and La Fémis’ documentary film workshop to each present a project.

After having presented their projects, the authors have an individual exchange with the producers.

For French speakers only

Monday 25 March, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., at the Centre Pompidou

Access to the Centre Pompidou will be possible from 9:30 a.m., through the rue Beaubourg entry. 

  • 10am-1pm
    Presentation of 9 projects in writing
    Cinema 2-Centre Pompidou
  • 1pm-4pm
    Lunch / One-to-one meeting
    Agora / Cafeteria of the Forum -1-Centre Pompidou

Producer: Register by email at this address cinereel-parisdoc@bpi.fr