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Room of Shadows

Camilo Restrepo

Wartime. A woman shelters in her room. Memories of photos, films, paintings, and books rise to the surface, resonating with the violence outside. The evocation of these works of art inhabits her solitude and creates a space of resistance for her.

Camilo Restrepo

Born in Medellín (Colombia) in 1975, he lives and works in France. After studying visual arts at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, he turned to cinema. He is a member of L’Abominable, an artist-run film laboratory. His films have been selected in major festivals such as Director’s Fortnight in Cannes, Toronto and New York. He has twice won the Pardino d’Argento at Locarno. Los Conductos, his first feature, won the GWFF Best First Feature Award at the Berlinale 2020. He lectures at various universities and art and film schools, including Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola, which supports Room of Shadows.

Stage :
Final edit
Completion date :
First half of 2024
Screening version length :
63 min
Expected final length :
65 min
Production :
Helen Olive and Martin Bertier (5à7 Films), with the support of Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola
Production contact :
Funding :
Support of CNC, Région Bretagne, Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola, L'Abominable, PROARTI

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