yyy Adnan • Cinéma du Réel Skip to content


Marie Valentine Regan
France, US

Adnan is a close portrait of writer and artist Edel Adnan in her fulness of being. In her 90s and experiencing a surge of acclaim, she processes the past and works with philosphic depth and feeling to render the world.

Marie Valentine Regan

Marie Valentine Regan is an American filmmaker based in France. She got her start in film at Coppola’s American Zoetrope, studied experimental film a the San Francisco Art Institute and earned her MFA at Columbia. A MacDowell Colony fellow, her work has screened and won prizes at festivals including Zinebi Bilbao, São Paulo, Nashville and Palm Springs. Her work has also screened in museums including the Museum of Sound and Image (São Paolo), Pera (Istanbul), K20 (Dusseldorf), and KINDL (Berlin). In 2015, she co-directed the Oberhausen Film Symposium with Chi-hui Yang. She taught film for many years in New York and in Paris where she now lives.

Stage :
End of edit
Completion :
First half of 2024
Screening version length :
66 min
Expected final length :
69 min
Production :
Marie Valentine Regan
Production contact :
Funding :
Academic Research Grant, Bajeel Art Foundation Grant

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