yyy Collective Monologue • Cinéma du Réel Skip to content

Collective Monologue

Jessica Sarah Rinland

Intimate and fragmented moments unfold in a community of zoos and animal rescue centers across Argentina. As histories of these institutions are uncovered, dedicated workers commit both day and night to caring for the remaining enclosed animals, fostering a mutual bond that transcends imagined boundaries between human and animal. 

Jessica Sarah Rinland

JESSICA SARAH RINLAND is an Argentine-British filmmaker. She is a recipient of numerous prizes including Special Mention at Locarno Film Festival, Best Film at DocumentaMadrid, Primer Premio at BIM – Bienale de Imagen en Movimiento, Arts + Science Award at Ann Arbor Film Festival, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Schnitzer prize for excellence in the arts. She has had retrospectives of her films at Anthology Film Archives, Doc’s Kingdom, Open City, Aricadoc, Eureka Film Festival, Curtocircuito, London Short Film Festival, and Flaherty Film Seminar. Her films are held in the British Film Institute’s collections.

Stage :
Final edit
Completion date :
Summer 2024
Screening version length :
104 min
Expected final length :
104 min
Production :
Melanie Schapiro (Trapecio Cine), Jessica Sarah Rinland
Production contact :
Funding :
INCAA, Hubert Bals Development Fund, Ikusmira Berriak, The Film Study Center - Harvard University, Mother Pictures

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