yyy Stone, Hat, Ribbon and Rose • Cinéma du Réel Skip to content

Stone, Hat, Ribbon and Rose

Eva Giolo
2023 Belgium 16' No Dialogue
Sat 23
Pompidou Cinéma 1
+ débat / Q&A
Mon 25
MK2 Beaubourg
Dans la même séance : Louis et les langues Marbled Golden Eyes
© Elephy
© Elephy
© Elephy

A map – a world – unfolds on a table. We take an audiovisual tour through Brussels, which at the same time forms a cinematic message to Chantal Akerman.

Is it necessary to point out that this film, shot in Brussels in a variety of places at various times of night and day, stemmed from a collective project dedicated to Chantal Akerman? The address is clear. It is underscored by the choice of a city worth a thousand clues, by the graceful precision of the frames, and by the very principle of the address—for there is no denying that Akerman’s films are fundamentally addressed (to her, making films was like sending a letter, as Serge Daney so accurately put it). Still, it goes without saying that this humble and beautiful exercise in admiration is more than the work of a talented copy artist. The city presented to us is not scattered with clues designed to lead us back to Akerman’s Brussels, or meant to tie back in with shots from Jeanne Dielman or All Night Long. Instead, its sidelong glances seem directed at films set in other cities: the metro platform in Brussels takes us back to the New York subway in News from Home, a hall recalls the Russian setting in From the East, a museum conjures up memories of The Captive… By scouring Brussels for shreds of the mundane and liquid time that makes up the very fabric of Akerman’s films, Stone, Hat, Ribbon and Rose looks past the clichés. Instead, the breathing that it attempts to keep alive adds a handful of minutes to those celluloid nights and days, every moment of which brings back the wonder of seeing for the very first time.         

Jérôme Momcilovic

Eva Giolo is working across film, video, and installation. Her work places particular focus on the female experience, employing experimental and documentary strategies to explore themes of intimacy, permanence and memory, along with the analysis of language and semiotics. Her films, installations and other projects have been widely exhibited at festivals, museums and galleries internationally.

Sat 23
Pompidou Cinéma 1
+ débat / Q&A
Mon 25
MK2 Beaubourg
Dans la même séance : Louis et les langues Marbled Golden Eyes
Production :
Photography :
Eva Giolo
Sound :
Simonluca Laitempergher
Editing :
Eva Giolo
Copy contact :
Elephy - eva@elephy.org

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