yyy Besitzbürgerin Jahrgang 1908 • Cinéma du Réel Skip to content

Besitzbürgerin Jahrgang 1908

Alexander Kluge
1973 Germany 11'

Mrs Schneider is redecorating her spacious house, cooking, supervising the return of her carpets… A montage of documents retraces her life back to 1908: the story of a bourgeois woman, the destiny of a class. An enterprising dealer is interested in the tableware she wants to sell.

Production :
Photography :
Thomas Mauch
Sound :
Francesco Joan-Escubano
Editing :
Beate Mainka-Jellinghaus
Copy Contact :
Goethe Institut - marc.baranovskiy@goethe.de, thomas.huether@goethe.de

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