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John Smith

John Smith Born in London,1952, he studied at North-East London Polytechnic and the Royal College of Art, after which he became an active member of the London Filmmakers’ Co-op. Inspired in his formative years by conceptual art and structural film, he also became fascinated by the immersive power of narrative and the spoken word, forming …

Antoine Vazquez

Antoine Vazquez Born in 1990 in the Béarn region of France, Antoine Vazquez is a young filmmaker. After studying Anthropology at the EHESS in Toulouse, he joined the Lussas Documentary School, graduating in 2019. His first short film, Et des ruines que tu me laisses, was selected in numerous festivals in France and abroad. Country Queer is his …

Lory Glenn

Lory Glenn Born in Montreuil, France, Lory Glenn began his artistic studies at the Duperré school in Paris, where he studied fashion. Involved in a number of social movements during this period, it was during the demonstrations against the Global Security Act that he began to reflect on the image as a tool of protest. …

Annick Redolfi

Annick Redolfi After studying political science, Annick Redolfi trained as a filmmaker and began her career in journalism (La Marche du Siècle, Etats d’Urgence), from which she developed a keen interest in the politically-charged issues of our time. Convinced of the need to assert her point of view, she continued on the documentary path. Her …

Eva Morin

Eva Morin She has drawn and photographed her daily life over the years, and has been passionate about art since she was very young. She will be entering the HELB Ilya Prigogine in 2021. Her first short documentary is entitled Maux Étouffés.

Parastoo Anoushahpour, Faraz Anoushahpour, Ryan Ferko

Parastoo Anoushahpour, Faraz Anoushahpour, Ryan Ferko They have worked in collaboration since 2013. Their shared practice explores the interplay of multiple subjectivities as a strategy to address the power inherent in narrative structures. Shifting between both gallery and cinema contexts, recent projects have been presented at Mercer Union (Toronto), MoMA, e_flux, Berlinale, Punto De Vista …

Lonnie Van Brummelen, Siebren De Haan

L. Van Brummelen, S. De Haan Artist filmmakers, their works explore geopolitical landscapes such as international borders and sites of global trade, and the situated materiality of the impacts of resource extraction on local communities and ecosystems. Most of their projects involve fieldwork and long-term collaboration. Since 2014, they have created three feature-length participatory documentaries. …

Binyu Wang

Binyu Wang Born in 1998, he received his M.A. in Film Directing from the School of Film Art, China Academy of Art. About the Pink Cocoon is his debut film. 

Sidney Sokhona

Sidney Sokhona is a Mauritanian filmmaker born in 1952. He arrived in Paris at the age of 14. Having come to France to study, he found himself obliged to work, and took evening classes. At the Université de Vincennes, he became interested in cinema, and began working as a volunteer assistant with Jean Rouch on …

Ricardo Matos

Ricardo Matos is a freelance film curator with an interest in non-fiction cinema and the histories of film circulation and exhibition. Among other projects, he has organised retrospectives of the work of post-war Japanese documentary filmmakers Tsuchimoto Noriaki, Haneda Sumiko and Ogawa Productions. Together with Lucía Salas, he has edited the book Peter Nestler – …

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