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Cécile Laveissière

Cécile Laveissière : I arrived in 2004 on the Island of Reunion, with the plan to live outside France to meet other ways of life, other people, another territory. Today, thanks to the confidence gained and various encounters, I have linked my destiny to Reunion Island by working, in a personal, associative and professional capacity, …

Jean-Marie Pernelle

Involved in audiovisual since 2004 and sensitive to the capacity of mobilizing images in social debates, Jean-Marie Pernelle has been involved for several years in the production of investigative documentaries in the Indian Ocean region. Involved in the actions of the Docmonde association, he recently participated in several writing residencies in order to develop creative …

Elvis Sabin Ngaïbino

A graduate in geology, Elvis Sabin Ngaïbino had always dreamt of devoting himself to the cinema. In 2012, he and a group of friends founded the Académie du Cinéma Centrafricain, an association of film enthusiasts. He produced and directed small-budget short films for the Central African broadcaster until he discovered the Ateliers Varan, where he …

Marceau Boré

Musician and sound technician, Marceau Boré took up ornithology inspired by his encounter with naturalists. He left the studio and concert halls to try and record the sounds of his environment and recreate sound landscapes. He started to create for documentary cinema and began his collaboration with Maud Faivre, both of them through landscapes and …

Maud Faivre

Maud Faivre lives in Brussels. Her photographic projects focus on the work of others (“Invisible towns”, with archaeologists), mid-mountain landscapes (“Transjurassienne”) or birds (“Birding”). She works regularly with architects and landscape designers on long-term projects and public commissions related to landscape and architecture.

Pierre Tonachella

Pierre Tonachella was born in 1988 and grew up in a village in the Essonne region. He studied philosophy and film theory in Paris before devoting himself to documentary filmmaking. His work mixes intimacy and politics and often involves people he knows in his village. He also writes poetry.

François-Xavier Drouet

François-Xavier Drouet, born in 1980, graduated from the Lussas Master’s programme in documentary filmmaking after studying social sciences. He lives and works on the Millevaches plateau, where part of Le Temps des forêts was filmed. He is also co-author with Téboho Edkins of Gangster Project (2011, 55′), and Gangster Backstage (2013, 38′).

Raphaël Pillosio

After studying history and film, Raphaël Pillosio went on to produce many documentary films and a few fiction films with L’Atelier documentaire, a Bordeaux-based company that he co-founded with Fabrice Marache in 2007. Among the latest films he has produced: Ana Rosa by Catalina Villar, À pas aveugles by Christophe Cognet, Le fleuve n’est pas …

Marie-Pierre Brêtas

Born and raised in Toulouse, Marie-Pierre Brêtas spent part of her childhood in Oran, where her parents left to work in the midst of the post-independence turmoil, and then in Thiais, in the Paris suburbs. After completing a hypokhâgne and a spell at the Sorbonne, she became a journalist at Le Matin, freelancing for various …

Elettra Bisogno

Born in Italy in 1993, Elettra Bisogno grew up in various european cities. After studying graphic design in Italy, where she specializes in experimental printmaking, she moves to Brussels and instinctively turns to the moving image. She draws inspiration and forges herself from watching and listening to the world, in its beauty and its injustice. …

Hazem Alqaddi

Hazem Alqaddi (1998) is from Palestine, he graduates from the Unrwa Schools in Rafah and arrives in Belgium in 2018 wishful for a new life outside of a besieged Palestine. In Gaza and until today, he is a passionate rollerblader, kitemaker, chef and storyteller. Driven by a desire to connect with people, he discovered filmmaking …