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Georges Franju

Theater decorator then poster artist, Georges Franju (1912-1987) accepted a job in a printing press and met Henri Langlois. Together, they shot their first short film in 1934, Métro. In 1936, he then contributed to the creation of the Cinémathèque française. Between 1948 and 1958, Georges Franju directed thirteen short films and established himself as …

Jacques Renard

Born in Béthune (north of France) in 1944, Jacques Renard has long sought to show the real life of minors, the history of this unknown working class. After his first movie in 1976 (Monsieur Albert), he started working on collecting seventy years of oral history, from 1914 to 1980, covering four generations of minors. A …

Ennio Lorenzini

Ennio Lorenzini worked on many short films with the Italian director Gian Vittorio Baldi before launching his brilliant career as a director and documentary filmmaker in 1961. Les Mains Libres was his first theatrical release, produced by Casbah Film in co-production with Algeria. In 1968, he directed Cronaca di un gruppo for Italian television. In 1975, he directed …