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Christophe Bisson

Christophe Bisson

Born in 1969, Christophe Bisson lives and works in Caen. After studying philosophy at university, he devoted himself to the plastic arts and put on many exhibitions in France and worldwide.In 2007, with Maryann De Leohe, he made the documentary, White Horse, which caught the eye of international festivals. Nominated for a Golden Bear at …

Sandro Aguilar

Sandro Aguilar

Born in 1974 in Portugal, Sandro Aguilar studied film at the Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema. In 1998 he founded the production company O Som e a Fúria. His films have won awards at festivals, such as La Biennale di Venezia, Gijón, Oberhausen and Vila do Conde, and have been shown in Torino, Belfort, …