Four Filmmakers Spurred into reaction Ryusuka Hamaguchi: Survive, they say Sound of the Waves Ryusuke Hamaguchi Ko Sakai Sat 22 14h00 Saint André des Arts 3 Thu 27 14h00 Reflet Médicis
Four Filmmakers Spurred into reaction Wang Bing: "Made in China" Youth (Spring) Wang Bing Thu 27 19h30 Reflet Médicis
Four Filmmakers Spurred into reaction In Ghassan Salhab's Workshop Workshop 1 Sun 23 17h00 Arlequin 3
Four Filmmakers Spurred into reaction Ryusuka Hamaguchi: Survive, they say Voices From the Waves: Kesennuma Ryusuke Hamaguchi Ko Sakai Sun 23 13h30 Saint André des Arts 3 Sat 29 14h00 Reflet Médicis
Four Filmmakers Spurred into reaction Wang Bing: "Made in China" Youth (Hard Times) Wang Bing Fri 28 19h00 Arlequin 1
Four Filmmakers Spurred into reaction In Ghassan Salhab's Workshop Workshop 2 Mon 24 17h00 Arlequin 3