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Notes of a Crocodile

Eyu shouji
Daphne Xu
2024 Cambodia, China, Canada 18' English, Chinese, Central Khmer
Mon 24
Arlequin 1
+ débat/Q&A : Je suis déjà mort 3 fois
Fri 28
Saint André des Arts 3
+ débat/Q&A : Notes of a Crocodile
Dans la même séance : I have already died three times
© Daphne Xu
© Daphne Xu
© Daphne Xu

News of a half-constructed building full of crocodiles brings a Chinese woman to Phnom Penh. She walks along the Mekong River in search of a lost friend.

A woman arrives in Phnom Penh. The image is wobbly, recorded on a phone, coarse. She crosses the city, passes some builders hard at work, walks by gutted façades. A restaurant, a snippet of conversation. It’s about a friend – she is looking for a Chinese woman about whom we know precious little. The film mingles her wanderings with a broader reflection on modernity, accumulation and erasure. A first-person voice-over weaves fragments of memory and desire. Formerly swampland, the city is growing on moving foundations, swallows up what remains of the past. The river, the roads, the buildings under construction, everything seems suspended, drowned in the constant humming of engines. Fleeting visions surge up: the unmoving eye of a crocodile, a child dancing, the body of a creature sliding under water. 
Borrowing its title from the cult queer novel by Taiwanese author Qiu Miaojin, Daphne Xu’s film prolongs the spirit of the book.  With an impressive mise en scène, it oscillates between raw reality and mirage, blurring the frontier between observation and dream. Its exploded form espouses the instability of a mutating territory, as if memory itself were imposing the rhythm of the film. A murky and elusive figure, the echo of a sunken world, the crocodile prowls among the images.

Nepheli Gambade

Daphne Xu

An artist and filmmaker, her films unfurl from places in flux; they are concerned with the interior lives of women and diasporic subjects caught in moments of rapid development. Her films have premiered at festivals and institutions including Toronto International Film Festival, Museum of Modern Art, Visions du Réel, and Cinéma du réel (Huahua’s Dazzling World and its Myriad Temptations, 2022). She began making films in 2018 as a Film Study Center Fellow at Harvard University, where she is an affiliate of the Sensory Ethnography Lab.

Mon 24
Arlequin 1
+ débat/Q&A : Je suis déjà mort 3 fois
Fri 28
Saint André des Arts 3
+ débat/Q&A : Notes of a Crocodile
Dans la même séance : I have already died three times
Production :
Daphne Xu
Photography, sound, edtiting :
Daphne Xu
Copy contact :
Daphne Xu

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